I was really impressed by this tea!
The smell that came from the bag and then from the pot was delectable.
The flavor was a filling umami and very sweet as well. Very different kind of sweetness than a typical sencha (which to me can sometimes be sugary sweet, combining a slight bitterness with sweetness), more like a fruity sweetness without the fruit flavor.
Anyway, I was very impressed and all 3 steepings were yummy.

Now if only I can get some more local vendors to carry something like this! I doubt I will often order from Rishi because of distance and shipping when there are so many good nearby options, but this is a tea I think I’d enjoy having on hand more often. However, at $8.50 for just about 2oz, this is a very good deal.

I don’t speak Japanese, but I think “Gokubo” means “5 flavors” … I’m not sure I tasted all 5 of them, but nonetheless, this was excellent. I definitely recommend!

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