18 Tasting Notes
Green tea, peppermint, and vanilla — what’s not to like? I always add a dash of cinnamon sugar, since I’ve never tasted the “dash of cinnamon” already in it, and it adds a wonderful spicy element. Always my go-to when I’m queasy or sick.
A very temperamental tea, Om, but one of my favourites as well. Some cups are heavier on the peach; others are heavier on the cucumber. I haven’t pinned down what causes different cups to taste differently (when made the same way) but I love it regardless. I’ve settled on 190F and 4 minutes for this particular blend and it seems to work well: the black tea is noticeable and the green doesn’t become too bitter. (What bitterness there is I cover well enough with a bit of sugar.)
Fairly unforgettable black tea by itself, but with a little sugar and milk/cream, it really does take like a cupcake with a swirl of vanilla frosting. I could do without the sprinkles (which stain my IngenuiTEA’s filter if I’m not careful), but other than that, it’s tasty stuff indeed.