Well, I officially have a cold. Just in time for my interview on Thursday, when I’ll doubtless be unattractively snotty and hopelessly croaky. Is it self-sabotage? Sometimes I wonder. I’m not drinking much tea, anyway, simply because I can’t taste it. I made up another cold-brew for my parents, though, and I sneaked a glass after lunch just to see whether my taste buds really are on holiday or not.
I can taste this, and I actually think the blueberry comes out more cold than it does hot. That’s always a bonus in my book, because I love blueberry. The orange is there, but it’s not as tangy as I remember from my hot cup, and it’s a lot more muted – more of a background flavour than anything.
I’m back at work next week (I’m always ill when I’m on leave, just in case anyone hadn’t noticed before now), so I’ll probably make up some more of this and take it with me.
I also bought more tea, because I’m bad, and also because I just had a shock (that really shouldn’t have been a shock, if I was being honest with myself). It made me feel better for a bit, and then I went back to worrying about my interview again. While unrelated to the shock, it’s equally unpleasant to dwell on.
Ever had one of those weeks you wish would just end?
I, too, have a cold, and wish this week was just over. I don’t have anything like an interview, but it’s just so unpleasant…
Oh no, I hope you’ll be able to make at least a semi-recovery by then so it won’t completely sabotage you!