Thank you Nuvola Tea for sending me this free sample, along with two others!
This was a pleasant surprise to find yesterday in the mail.
Leaf Quality:
The leaves of this Bi Luo Chun were dark green, yellow, and white in different parts of the leaves. They smelled richly floral. The brewed leaves smelled vegetal and floral, almost like a Taiping Hou Kui.
Brewed Tea:
I brewed this using the “Top-Putting” method. This was a wonderful brew. The tall glass showed that the tea was almost completely absent of color- it was a very light, clear yellow. The scent of orchids filled the glass. It tasted sweet, very floral, and had a slightly vegetal finish. This was very refreshing.
Second Steeping
This cup was consistent with the first: richly floral, sweet, and a light vetetal finish.
Third Steeping
Consistent again with the first two brews, this tea proved very steady in taste. However, the flavor was noticeably lighter with the third brew.
Overall thoughts: This tea was great. Nice and floral, very smooth. I liked this tea very much.