6 Tasting Notes
I’m a sucker for pretty things, and this tea is really gorgeous. It contains gold sugar beads and little silver sugar crystals.
Before, during, and after steeping, the smell is awesome. It’s spicy and sweet smelling. I infuse this for around 5 minutes.
The taste is very good, and the spiciness apparent in the aroma comes through nicely. I think this would be excellent as an iced tea, but I have not tried that yet. Since the tea itself contains sugar crystals, it has plenty of sweetness. I wouldn’t suggest adding milk because of the effect described below.
Here’s the best part about this tea: as it steeps, the gold and silver sugar dissolves, and as you look at the tea, you can see tiny little sparkles. Like the title says – it’s glittery! This is probably best served in a dark cup to really get the full effect.
It would be a lovely tea for the holidays, for guests, or when you’re just feeling like you need something beautiful to drink! This one just makes me happy. :)
Yum! This tea smells amazing, is very pretty, and tastes great!
It contains tiny fennel seed candies, which are fun and add sweetness. I’d eat the candies alone! The pink peppercorns can also clearly be smelled and tasted.
I steeped this for 5 min using boiling water. I didn’t add sugar or milk, but may try that next time. I really liked this as-is. I didn’t taste any bitterness.
Excellent herbal tea! It smells awesome before steeping. Kind of fruity, but I don’t pick out one particular berry scent. This was brewed for 5 minutes and turns a pretty red color.
It’s lightly sweet and pleasant. The fruity taste is great, and doesn’t need any sweetener.
I made this in the evening when friends were visiting because we wanted something without caffeine. Everyone loved it and kept going back for more. They made me promise to order some the next time I get tea from DAVIDs. This was a hit!!!
Oh my. I hate to be so negative, but this is just gross. It smells like cucumber before brewing. While steeping, it smells more like cucumber and mint, which is interesting because there’s no mint in the ingredients list. I didn’t smell/taste the melon in the description.
This was steeped for 5 minutes with boiling water. The mint flavor is prevalent after brewing. But the cucumber just kills it for me.
If you enjoy cucumber, you’ll probably like this. I’m glad I received a free sample, because I’d never pay for this. If it helps, my boyfriend liked it, and he suggested it would probably be good iced. One good thing: it’s a flavored tea that tastes like its name!
This could be a new fave! The unbrewed tea aroma is amazeballs. Stepped for 5 min with boiling water, there was no bitterness here.
The cherry flavor is pleasantly noticeable, without being overpowering. The base black tea they use seems like the perfect showcase for the cherry flavor. I wish I had some of this tea at work, because I would be making a second cup!
Did I mention no bitterness? Love this. I’ll be trying this as a cold brew this evening!
DAVIDs Toasted Walnut tea smells great, but the flavor is lacking. Before and during steeping, the sweet scent is quite pleasant. To me, it smells like baking cookies.
I steeped the recommended amount for around 3 minutes to start, and had a little test sip. The flavor was very weak. I let it brew for another 2 minutes. Still weak. Since I was worried about picking up bitterness from oversteeping, I just drank it at around 6 minutes. Luckily it wasn’t overly bitter, but it also wasn’t good.
I think I’ll try increasing the amount of tea the next time I make this. Maybe I can get a better result. I’m disappointed in this one, so far.
Later: tried this as a cold brew, with twice the recommended amount of tea, and the walnut is much more noticeable. Unfortunately, it’s very bitter, even after only 2 hours brewing. I added a little rock sugar, and the tea is better, but I don’t think I’d buy this again.