For a Rooibos, this tea is mellow. The Lemon Verbana and Passionfruit really help to bring the tea down to a nice place. It is a very bold and spicy tea. Spicy in the sense that it will take you a few sips to get use to it. Now, as for passion? I felt this tea makes you feel a little bit better about yourself after a few cups, but there was no signifigant change in my sex drive. Overall i’d say this was a nice tea for a summer afternoon.

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I have loved tea since I can remember. Whenever I walk into a store with tea, I have to buy some and try it out. Every region of the world has tea, in every nook and cranny, and I want to try them all.

I am a heavy tea drinker, and there is no tea that I will not taste! I have gone to many different places and brought back at least 2 to 3 different teas to add to my collection.

I want to bring to light alot of teas from places you know of, but might not know of their tea. Personally I am a fan of green and black tea, and I find tea goes rather perfectly with any kind of day and any kind of food.

Hope you enjoy!



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