I found this hidden in the back of the tea cupboard, so I decided to have a couple of cups before bed. I’m brewing this in a Gaiwan, which seems to be working out well with this tea. However, this review may be incoherent, due to my inability to mentally and physically function after 9 P.M. My bedtime’s usually around 9-9:30 during the week, since I have to be at work by 6 A.M. on a daily basis, and I get up at 4:45-5ish depending on how well I sleep; thus leaving at 5:30 to make the 30 minute drive to work. This is late for me (11 P.M.), but it’s the weekend, so I’m trying to live a little….Heh.

Anyway, this tea is pretty good. I like to have it when I’m trying not to munch before bed, or whenever I rediscover it in the back of the cupboard. My wife purchased this about a year ago, whilst exploring the Discount Outlet. I think she got a pound of it for roughly $5-6 which is a pretty great deal. It’s very fruity, and the mulberry comes out nicely. There’s zero astringency, and unlike other Green teas (which this tea is labeled as), you can leave it to steep around 5-6 minutes—there seems to be zero effects to the tea as far as astringency goes.

I’m nearly 3/4 of the way through, but I keep it far back in the cupboard for nights when I want to go to sleep, but can’t. However, now I must go to sleep.

P.S. This is a super sweet tea on its own; therefore, there is no need to add sugar. I think when the sun comes out again, I might make this as a sun tea.

P.S.S. Here’s the wet leaf (https://www.instagram.com/p/BE2TDwUg-6j/?taken-by=s.g_sanders1). It reminds me of cooked spinach.

MadHatterTeaDrunk 9 years ago

It’s pretty incredible!

MadHatterTeaDrunk 9 years ago

I have a good bit left, so if you’d like to try some, PM me.

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MadHatterTeaDrunk 9 years ago

It’s pretty incredible!

MadHatterTeaDrunk 9 years ago

I have a good bit left, so if you’d like to try some, PM me.

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Mostly drinking sheng/shou puerh. Gongfu daily; western brew at work.

More to see at the IG account: Madhatterteadrunk

Drinking down a lot of my teas in 2020. I may not observe these sessions as much as I’d like, but I’ll note them, when the mood strikes.


Northeast Ohio

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