Sunday afternoon and feeling a bit frail. No, I did not have a skinful last night! I just have a bad back and a few other aches and pains. It’ll clear up soon enough, so no worries there. Anyway, I felt in need of a bit of colour, so I made a pot of Canton’s Dancing Dragon in my large glass pot. I love watching flowering teas unfurl and this one does not disappoint at all. The green leaves fold outward and allow a string of jasmine flowers topped by a red globe amaranth to pop up and wave gently in the warm currents of water. Now that’s the sort of gardening I like! Better yet, I don’t have to wait weeks or months for the crop to ripen. A few minutes later I am able to harvest my crop, and it was well worth the wait. It’s a delicate jasmine green tea. The jasmine is not overpowering and the green tea flavour shows through quite clearly. The whole is sweet, refreshing and lightly floral. Perfect for making me feel better. Better yet, the tea meets the approval of Mrs Roughage too. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec
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ashmanra 12 years ago

Sounds identical to Two Dragons and a Pearl from Teavivre. If it is the same tea, it does have the power to soothe a wretched soul….or body! Hope you are feeling better soon!

Roughage 12 years ago

It certainly sounds like the same tea and it has revivified me just nicely.

Bonnie 12 years ago

Hope you feel better. Too much time at the computer and standing in class teaching probably didn’t help the back much either.

Roughage 12 years ago

I think you’re right, Bonnie.

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ashmanra 12 years ago

Sounds identical to Two Dragons and a Pearl from Teavivre. If it is the same tea, it does have the power to soothe a wretched soul….or body! Hope you are feeling better soon!

Roughage 12 years ago

It certainly sounds like the same tea and it has revivified me just nicely.

Bonnie 12 years ago

Hope you feel better. Too much time at the computer and standing in class teaching probably didn’t help the back much either.

Roughage 12 years ago

I think you’re right, Bonnie.

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I am a qualified peripatetic berserkerologist peddling berserkjaknowledge at the University of Nottingham.

My favourite teas are Darjeelings, sheng puerhs and Anji Bai Cha. I return to these every time, after whatever flirtation with other teas I have been involved with.

I no longer rate the teas I drink because keeping ratings consistent proved to be rather hard work while not really giving me anything in return.


Nottingham, England



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