drank Royal Wedding Tea by Plum Deluxe
2967 tasting notes

It’s starting to get hot in my part of the world. Like, 90 degrees hot. Ugh. Despite the fact that I grew up in this hot climate, I’ve never really liked the heat, preferring weather where I can cozy up with a cup of tea.
Oh well.
I picked this up because lemon and elderflower sounded delightful, refreshing, nice! In reality I’m finding my cup a little bit sour. Maybe I need to adjust the steep time?


Same. We have been doing gong fu outside. Yesterday we killed several mosquitoes and we have already had temps in the high 80’s. I grew up here, but I wish I could be elsewhere in sticky summer.

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Same. We have been doing gong fu outside. Yesterday we killed several mosquitoes and we have already had temps in the high 80’s. I grew up here, but I wish I could be elsewhere in sticky summer.

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I love tea! I confess that I was a hot chocolate lover for most of my life, but recently a switch has gone off in my brain, and suggested that I might just love tea. And I do!
I’m a bit of a novice, but an enthusiastic one, and am happily sipping new varieties all the time.
I love vanilla, fruity, and caramel flavors, and cant wait to try more.

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