I read a description of this before preparing the tea. Is it me or does every description of tea have the word fruity in it? Some teas actually have NO fruity notes whatsoever.
In time I have learned to ignore the descriptions and I actually learned to enjoy sitting for hours trying to figure out the name of a specific flavor. Today was different. I had to find out what Canton tea had the name “DAN” in it. The name was handwritten on my sampler so I wasn’t sure of the name – Milan DanCang sounded a bit off.
By the time I founded the correct entry I started to read the tasting notes just for the fun of it. When I went over the “fruity” description I ignored it. All teas can’t be fruity, It’s a naturelaw.
I was pleasantly surprised to find out that this tea really was fruity.
I still can’t figure out what fruit it is. Peach? Something like that. Anyway, the tea also have a nutty flavor in the end.
Fruity AND nutty!
I like it (honestly what don’t I like?!).
By the way! I just won some tea by Doulton! Yay!
- I shouldn’t write it in a teanote but I can’t help myself. I am just too happy ;)