Thought my former discription of this tea was too useless, so rewriting the note.
As a start, the color was a green, with much dust and texture.
It tasted very bitter/sour. Like the rasberry tea of the same brand.
It tasted as seaweed, like a green tea that has been oversteeped or mistreated.
I wonder if it’s because of the machine, and not the leaves, that this tea taste so vile.
Normaly I expect a green tea to be sweet with a hint of “seaweed” but this is just too much bitternes. And the rasberry (before mentioned) should also have been sweeter, in comparison to other tea of the same kind.
I don’t know if the Flaviamachine adjust to the different needs of teasorts, like tempreture, but I think not. It would explain why the Earl Grey and the Yasmin tea didn’t fail completely.
Black tea takes high temp. just fine, and white tea is very forgiving. Not so with the teas before mentioned.
I give it another try, cutting the bag open and try steeping it manualy when I get the chance. Untill then – it gets a very bad rating.