Postcard Teas are very subtle-they’re like the best of England meets eastern culture. Being a brash American I expected a vanilla that’s bold and strong and hits me over the head, which totally isn’t the case with this tea. It’s a very mild vanilla, very mild. They include a whole vanilla bean in with the tea (do NOT ask me the type-I don’t know if Madagascar, Ceylon or Tahiti,etc ok?) It creates a beautiful fragrant tea that is fantastic with milk. It’s smooth and mellow but it’s so much more a ‘black’ tea than a ‘vanilla’ tea. It’s more a suggestion of vanilla than a flavor. Subtle.
Yes, this is my first review so please keep this in mind!

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I love all caffeine but mainly tea. I’m kind of a tea junkie and I’ll try anything, although I’m more likely to be found with a black tea, pu’erh or oolong than with anything herbal. I live in the US and enjoy traveling and picking up new teas. I’m not a tea snob-I still enjoy a cup of Constant Comment now and then!


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