This tea is a very full tea. It’s got a great scent, a lot of flavor, and leaves you feeling like you’ve just had a meal. The gunpowder and the pu erh dante give this tea a really great smoky, rich flavor, while the hazelnut brings it down and lends it a homey scent and taste that makes it comforting as well. It’s very much a BAMF tea, but a BAMF that likes its muffins. I think it would lend itself well to whatever you wanted to try with it, be it honey, lemon, cream, sugar, whatever. But personally I think this makes a smashing cup without any frills.

The only downside, and this is pretty much exclusive to me, is that black tea tends to give me a stomach ache, and I can already tell that this is strong enough to cause some problems if I drank more than one cup in a couple hours. But if you’re not affected by such things, then no worries!

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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