6 grams of dry leaf used for 370 ml of water
The brewed tea has an aroma that reminds me of sweet black licorice. Musty, leathery. Faint aromatic, pungent floral. Fruity apricot-type note. Hint of sawdust.
On the sip I’m detecting an astringency which is bordering on being overpowering (burt/dark chocolate note). The apricot and leathery notes are upfront in the flavour. Mild floral hints in the background. Mushroom-type note/mouth-feel. Licorice-like from the scent translates into the flavour. Maltiness close to the end of the sip.
As the tea is allowed to cool a slight creaminess comes out in the taste. Char note near the end of the sip.
Second infusion at 4.25 minutes. The flavour reminds me of roasted corn.
200 °F / 93 °C
3 min, 30 sec
So glad you’re back, I’ve missed your reviews!!
Thanks! I am very glad to have my thermometer and tea collection back with me (where it belongs)!