I used 0.8 tablespoons of dry leaf for 375ml of water.
This English Breakfast is milder tasting than ones that I’ve tried in the past. It does not have the bright bitter edge that I usually find but there is a little tingle of astringency where that note would usually be placed. I’m getting a sweet caramel note near the end and into the aftertaste. The aftertaste is quite sweet and reminds me of a milky sweetness. Leathery tones near the middle of the sip. A little dull leading into the aftertaste.
Rating: 78
Thank you to Indigobloom and Sil for letting me try this!
Oh sure give credit to Indogobloom but who gave HER a bunch so that she could share…. Yeah that’s right :p
Oops! Sorry Sil. That’s probably going to happen a lot with the huge bunch of teas Indigobloom passed on to me. You also deserve some tea cred!!!
Oh sure give credit to Indogobloom but who gave HER a bunch so that she could share…. Yeah that’s right :p
Oops! Sorry Sil. That’s probably going to happen a lot with the huge bunch of teas Indigobloom passed on to me. You also deserve some tea cred!!!
Hahaha just giving you a hard time :)
Mmmm can’t wait to try this one out! Sil, you are awesome for sharing :P