Tea & Cards TTB
As far as Earl Grey goes this one is actually rather solid, albeit a little boring. The bergamot plays a second fiddle to the quality black base in a way that’s comfortingly normal, but wouldn’t win any awards with my tastebuds.
Tea & Cards TTB
As far as Earl Grey goes this one is actually rather solid, albeit a little boring. The bergamot plays a second fiddle to the quality black base in a way that’s comfortingly normal, but wouldn’t win any awards with my tastebuds.
Overstressed aspiring model…tea is what gets me moving in the mornings, calms me down at night and fills all the moments in-between.
I’m still in the everything is delicious and I want to drink it all phase of my exploration, so I’m open to swaps, TTBs and trying new things. (with the exception of jasmine…that icky stuff tastes like soap)
My cupboard is things I have and am willing to swap (either I didn’t like them that much or I have a lot of them) and my wishlist is mostly things I’ve tasted and want to buy or swap for in the future.
Indianapolis IN