Hey everyone! I have been BUSYYYYYYYYYYYY
Anyways, I took a new direction with my company and decided I will hunt down crazy awesome puerh or rare stuff because I want to share the ability for people to experience teas that sometimes I only got to read about like these XZH teas!
So here I was walking outside with a disc in my hand and walked to some flowers for a picture https://www.instagram.com/p/BX1IRVKg7AA/?taken-by=liquidproust
Not sure if anyone had any idea what that was, but whatever!
So when I went to break this cake I was kind of like ‘aweeeee man I cannot mess this up!’ and so I looked at it for a bit https://www.instagram.com/p/BX9dbjvAFaO/?taken-by=liquidproust
Nothing really unique about it… boutique tea, special name, pretty stuff… let’s see.
So I drink this and it reminds me of fuzzy peaches… that is really all I can say because I highly doubt anyone else will have that experience but if they do… fuzzy peach puerh sounds amazing!
I looked at some and I gotta say some of the pictures are pretty as hell. Some look tempting.