It was 8:30pm downtown Philly and I was smoking hookah with two wonderful ladies talking about the experience we were about to have. In roughly 30 minutes we were going to drive into New Jersey to drink some serious teas; YQH, Chen Shen, private pressings, and some old oolongs I brought along. When we arrived, we knew… 9:15pm was only the first page.
Starting up the night with a roasted oolong because it was chilly out and I didn’t want to jump right into aged raw pu’erh. The 30 year old TGY from Verdant was a perfect choice because it provided a way for us all to taste a tea that has settled down over years to become something worth tasting and talking about among the 5 of us. The dying roast was like the depth of a tree slowly fading away as a new one replaces it. Mineral notes hidden behind a caramel coated roasted twig from a fire pit from a few weeks ago.
My memories of this night are hard to write about because we drank steep after steep of some YQH right after…. This session lasted until 2am in which I had the task of driving tea drunk, exhausted, and in a town that I don’t know. It was great.
Nothing like being tea drunk with people you don’t really know, but trust because all you want to do is drink until someone passes out.
This was also the session that got someone drunk for the first time in their life. This person has drank tea for more years than I have been alive, so it was a magical night to share this experience with them. Much laughter. Much happiness. Much peace.
A beautiful night that sparked something inside me to host these type of drinking experiences.

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