Taste test #1 for the exclusive TAF balls from W2T to be part of the 2017 Sheng Olympiad. Out of all the blends W2T puts together I chose this one because it had everything wanted; looks, taste, and feels. The2015 material blew me away so I was glad to get to use the 2016 for this event : )
I was sent a few extra so I will do a tasting now and then come November to make sure all is well.
Starting off I realized the balls were quite new as they were firm and the color looks like it needs a bit of air to show its true hue. I went ahead and washed it twice and began my session outside with my best friend. The first six steeps were a bit tart, as in astringent to the mouth. I suspect this is due to how frickin’ early I drank this. I am not worried about that aspect actually because I know it’ll go away with some time. The taste once the astringent mouth feel went away was just like last year to which I really like. The leaf expands out and you see the beautiful two leaf and sometimes three with some buds; a rare occurrence for a puerh. The color goes from a medium to a lighter color as it steeps out. Overall I ended up getting 30 steeps out of this and don’t recall much of the taste because I was just enjoying the outdoors with my friend. Turns out I was pretty smashed by this tea because three hours passed by and we sat in the rain without realizing we were wet until we got in my car and the air turned on.
Truly a great choice that I believe will become even better as this “I was just born” tart will go away by January and be a beautiful gem to unfurl in each brewing vessel it meets while making people feel as if tea could be illegal if it always makes them feel this way.


Matu 9 years ago

ooh exclusive balls

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Matu 9 years ago

ooh exclusive balls

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