I drank through this in two different session on two different days. The first session was really rough because I’ve never said anything negative about something from the Bang Dong area; I generally promote it and explain it’ll go up in price by 3 to 4 times here shortly as the region is more exposed. So here’s the thing….

This… this… there is no trace of any of that. So maybe I went into it with thoughts of the other four I’ve had from this region during spring, but it was murky and harsh each session with this funky wild taste that doesn’t represent the region I love so much. It was really upsetting to experience this tea because I went into it 100% not knowing what it is/was. Once I found out it was Bang Dong, my world kind of shattered. Not only that, but one that cost more than YS’s…

What a sad day it was for me and that is coming from someone who is putting WMD as one of the top 5 sheng productions of 2016 and it’s from BLT.


I feel like you must have looked away for a second, during which time someone snuck up and switched teas on you… doesn’t sound like the tea I know :/

Liquid Proust

I took 9 grams from the TTB and split it into two sessions. Even had someone with me during the first session and we tried all different temperatures and timing because it was not enjoyable.


Came back to this tea today… it’s definitely changed over the last year, but for the better, IMO. Kind of worried about the condition of that TTB sample now, because what what we have here doesn’t add up to what you’re describing at all. Even trying to brew it poorly I’m mostly getting a great huigan and cooling throat feeling.

In any case, sorry to disappoint, but we’ll make up for it next time, I promise :)


Yeah, sounds different than what I had too. So many variables, it’s hard to know what would have happened. Maybe somebody kept it next to something rather funky during the box’s journey.

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I feel like you must have looked away for a second, during which time someone snuck up and switched teas on you… doesn’t sound like the tea I know :/

Liquid Proust

I took 9 grams from the TTB and split it into two sessions. Even had someone with me during the first session and we tried all different temperatures and timing because it was not enjoyable.


Came back to this tea today… it’s definitely changed over the last year, but for the better, IMO. Kind of worried about the condition of that TTB sample now, because what what we have here doesn’t add up to what you’re describing at all. Even trying to brew it poorly I’m mostly getting a great huigan and cooling throat feeling.

In any case, sorry to disappoint, but we’ll make up for it next time, I promise :)


Yeah, sounds different than what I had too. So many variables, it’s hard to know what would have happened. Maybe somebody kept it next to something rather funky during the box’s journey.

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