2016 Sheng Olympics
After checking on the shipments and seeing they have been scanned, with many already in different states, I decided that I could finally begin. First up was something I knew was going to be light because it had to be able to pair with dinner and continue throughout the night. I had one tight beenghole for this session.
At first I didn’t know if it was going to work out because it wasn’t breaking up, but then I decided that I needed to give it a little help so I did.
The first few steeps had a nice roasted vegetable tone to it like a bang dong. After brewing it out I realized that it wasn’t as light as a bang dong because the beeghold decided to let me in a bit and taste what it was hiding. A little bit of astringency came out but then faded as I continued on. The lightness of this tea was consistent and that is how I like my sheng. There might not have been much texture to the liquid itself, but it has a proper vegetable taste throughout the session.
This is a great raw tea to drink, but the Midas Touch puts it to shame. That being said, damn you Midas Touch for selling out; but also thank you to those who have offered to sell me one, I’m still thinking about it. I’m curious how this one will compare with the other Baiying cake that was in the 2016 Sheng Olympics.
All of this is to say that I don’t have any negative remarks for this tea besides the beenghole being deceptive on its notes from not opening to fully opening. That issue is something that others won’t experience because I am rather confident that I broke all the material up well and for those who got some dust… it had to happen, but I am pretty sure it’ll be good dust :)

Crimson Lotus Tea 9 years ago

Nice writeup. I’ve had more than a few surprise sessions with the beengholes from those cakes. There is a lot of tea in a little space.

Liquid Proust 9 years ago

It’s always interesting how the middle doesn’t get touched after 8 brews and you pry it open with your fingers and find that dark green material just looking at you like: ‘are you ready for more?’

Personally, I believe that the beenghole produces a thinner liquid than the other material but this is something I need to do side by side with a cake I have. It’s possible I’m wrong, but I think all the material having contact with the water provides more texture to the liquid (if any).

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Crimson Lotus Tea 9 years ago

Nice writeup. I’ve had more than a few surprise sessions with the beengholes from those cakes. There is a lot of tea in a little space.

Liquid Proust 9 years ago

It’s always interesting how the middle doesn’t get touched after 8 brews and you pry it open with your fingers and find that dark green material just looking at you like: ‘are you ready for more?’

Personally, I believe that the beenghole produces a thinner liquid than the other material but this is something I need to do side by side with a cake I have. It’s possible I’m wrong, but I think all the material having contact with the water provides more texture to the liquid (if any).

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