Strong sheng with some bitterness to it that bites back as I sip away.
This proves, once again, that sheng should be drank when they are ancient (at least by me that is)
The leaf looks mid-grade and not in the high range, but then again I only had a sample that was broken off of a cake.
Use a lower temperature to brew this (Between 80-90 C) and start drinking after 4th or 5th infusion. That should help. Probably just lowering the temperature will take away the bitterness.
Use a lower temperature to brew this (Between 80-90 C) and start drinking after 4th or 5th infusion. That should help. Probably just lowering the temperature will take away the bitterness.
I always brew my sheng at 188-192f… I just have an aversion for bitterness