drank Rooibos de Provence by DAVIDsTEA
11 tasting notes

After reading several of the reviews I can’t quite figure out how I ended up not liking this tea!! I brewed up a pot of this tea before a movie. At first sniff I was immediately was taken back to my childhood, being sick and my mom giving us shots of Robitussin. Weird… right?? Anyways. It steeps for a minute or two. My mom comes in to check if it’s ready. I give her a sniff and the first words out of her mouth was Robitussin?? I pour us each a cup and start the movie. As it cools I can’t stop sniffing my cup!! At this point all I can smell is medicine. NOT the good, flavored kind either. I wait for mom to take a sip and I can tell just by the look on her face…. that we have a pot of brewed fail. I take my first sip and yep!! Robitussin. I get about half way thru my first cup and can’t take it anymore. I’m taken back to being a kid, sick in bed, covered in some kind of gooey vapor rub, drinking Sprite and having to guzzle down Robitussin. Ick!! I wanted to like this tea but it’s just not going to happen…

On to the next!! :)

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I enjoy baking, tea/coffee, all things vintage and antique, reading, interior decorating, Pinterest (it’s a hobby, OK! lol), crocheting, DIY projects, cooking and sale hunting!! Tea is usually what pulls me though long stressful days at work. I really enjoy coffee but I can’t get enough tea. <3


Merced, CA

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