Following 18 Tea Drinkers

Auggy 531 followers

I’m trying to be a better tea logger and actually post semi-regularly again! ...

Pat 19 followers

Hey everyone! Tea is one of my biggest passions. Few things in life make me h...

Scott Cranfill 14 followers

Designer/Developer, Musician, Gamer

LENA 202 followers

lover of tea, travel, good food, nerdy stuff, tattoos, great danes, sushi, be...

Micah 54 followers

Loose leaf since high school. I drink mostly greens and oolongs but will try ...

Jack 349 followers

Jack of all trades, master of none. Co-creator of the site yer lookin’ at.

Madison Bartholemew 65 followers

Belly/Burlesque Dancer… knitter… scientist… tea drinker. Go figure… I don’t g...

Chrislovestea 24 followers

I am from Atlanta, Georgia, and I used to live in Japan. I love tea. Indian b...

Leafbox Tea 228 followers You drink tea. Frequently, occasionally, or passionatel...



I’ve been drinking loose leaf tea all my life. I always take tea plain without adding any sweetener or milk to it. Would love to swap for tea, feel free to contact me about it.

Teas Ratings:

1-9 Undrinkable
10-19 Hardly drinkable
20-29 Strong dislike
30-39 Dislike
40-49 Unpleasant but still has some merits
50-59 Average tea, no strong feelings either way
60-69 Good solid tea, isn’t worth repurchasing for some reasons
70-79 Quality tea, might repurchase once in a while
80-89 Great tea, will keep in my regular rotation
90-100 Outstanding tea, staple of my collection


El Dorado Hills, CA


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