I’m not sure if I knew there was wintergreen in this tea when I got it, but I’m REALLY happy with it. OM NOM NOM.
Quite fresh, but with a really delicate wintergreen freshness, not peppermint or spearmint. It’s kinda like pine forests on a crisp day with snow on the ground. Kinda.
205 °F / 96 °C
5 min, 0 sec
3 tsp
12 OZ / 354 ML
I’ve only tried one tea with wintergreen – stash’s merry mint green tea, and it was a fun change of pace. I’ll have to try this one eventually since it’s herbal.
Mmm, wintergreen…
I’ve only tried one tea with wintergreen – stash’s merry mint green tea, and it was a fun change of pace. I’ll have to try this one eventually since it’s herbal.
Handmade Tea’s tea this month has wintergreen, I’m looking forward to it.
I really don’t like spearmint, and mostly don’t like peppermint. So wintergreen is a nice alternative! It also looks so cool because they just mixed whole leaves and twigs and berries and flowers. Definitely a feast for the eyes as well as the tongue. :)