I love the smell of this tea. LOVE IT!
But, I’ve always found myself wanting more from it. It’s a bit underwhelming in the cup, honestly. It feels a bit thin, and when/ if I add milk, it becomes almost watery. And this is even after steeping it for a long time. Like 10mins long. I’ve varied the steep time all over the map and have found the same every time.
I decided that after several cups didn’t live up to the glorious smell, I would start messing around a bit. I crushed up two cinnamon sticks, and added them to my remaining 25g. If I thought it smelled great before, this was pure heaven! I am a fan of spicy teas, and adding a bit of cinnamon kick to this one enhanced the scent of the chocolate, and brought out the heat from the chillies. Brewed, it had more body, and didn’t fade away when I added milk. Seriously delicious.
So, I still feel “meh” about the tea itself, but with a little home improvement, it has become one of my favourite dessert teas.