I love the idea of a ‘Danish’ tea, i.e. a tea grown on tea bushes in Sri Lanka owned by a Danish company.
Bjergblomst = Mountain flower
It smells divine and like something I should love, but to me, there might have been a bit too much black tea compared to the green tea. So not something I think I will be buying again, but would readily recommend to others.
I, unfortunately, did not try the reuse the tea for 2nd steep, which is supposed to give a better taste, according to the manufacturer. I will give this another try later on to see if the second steep is more to my taste.
“Contains: 56% Green Sencha tea, 39% Black Pekoe tea, 1% Rose, 1% Cornflower, 1% Sunflower and 2% ‘aroma’.
Tea leaves can be reused 1-2 times. Second steeping is thought to be the best."