If you are wondering what this is, it is pure Osmanthus flowers. Golden tiny flowers that produce a greenish-golden brew, with a sweet, floral flavour. Zero caffeine, and no sweetener needed.
I wasn’t in the mood for this, so after two or three steeps I dumped the cup. Will give it another go when I’ve got more time on my hands.
Flavors: Floral, Floral, Sweet, Sweet
by the way there is an oolong tea named after this. I tried it a couple of years back. you can see my review of it here. http://www.jkteashop.com/imperial-anxi-daping-huang-jin-gui-oolong-tea-p-238.html
by the way there is an oolong tea named after this. I tried it a couple of years back. you can see my review of it here. http://www.jkteashop.com/imperial-anxi-daping-huang-jin-gui-oolong-tea-p-238.html