Shipyard used to make a beer called Fuggles IPA. ( I don’t know if they still make it or not because new ridiculous hipster beers with peanut butter, pomegranates etc with ridiculous alcohol content has pushed many a solid traditional brew off the shelf). Shipyard Fuggles IPA had a thick caramely body balanced by a woody bitterness and resiny aniseedy flavor. Nothing really complex but satisfying. In early steeps this tea has these attributes, thick, sweet body with balanced bitterness, anise and wood. The qi is relaxing but not overwhelming. The tea is solid and good but for a wild tea of this age I’d prefer a more attitudinal Wuliang which would be a bit cheaper as well.

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I’ve been a huge fan of all manner of black tea since the early 90s particularly second flush Darjeeling, Fujian, Yunnan and Assam teas but last winter fell headfirst into the sheng world and the rest is history…


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