54 Tasting Notes
Sweet taste, pepper kick
Won’t end chocolate craving-
Sip the hot liquid
So this is my last try at a worktime pick-me-up from random swap teas. Maybe it’s because I was so ready to be disappointed, but I rather like this one. At first sip, it reminds me of wintertime-hot cocoa packets dumped into too much hot water. But the aftertaste curls cocoa around my tongue in a lingering way the watery cocoa did not. I’m not sure whether I like or dislike the pepper kick. In one way, it cuts through the water and adds another layer of not watery hot cocoa. But, it lingers long after the chocolate. I’m not sure I enjoy the lasting taste of pepper in my mouth. However, if I keep drinking, I won’t have to worry about that for awhile. :)
Flavors: Cocoa, Pepper
Trying to wake up
Liquor is smooth, dark, tasty
Oops this is decaf
This is just what I need to wash the taste of sweet chai out of my mouth! My only regret is that I really need a little boost and didn’t realize the small “naturally decaffeinated” part. Tea is naturally caffeinated so….this term confuses and makes me sad.
I was promised pie
by the tea bag. But really,
It’s spiced peach cider.
Overall, this is an okay tea. It kind of tastes like watered down spiced peach cider. I think it might be better sweetened (apparently the box recommends it), and good iced. The hibiscus, though present, is not overwhelming.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Citrus, Hibiscus, Peach
Boiled veggie water
I wonder-did I steep too long?
First try darjeeling.
I wonder if I steeped this too long. The Internet says darjeelings are a light color. While this is light compared to a black tea, it is still fairly dark. It kinda tastes like boiled asparagus water with an…astringent aftertaste that fades to a nice vegital one that I don’t mind sitting in my mouth. So, it’s not nice to drink (and that may be due to oversteeping), but I enjoy having drank it.
Flavors: Astringent, Vegetal
Elusive citrus
Green in the black, green in brown
Earl grey is “light” tea.
I’m still wrapping my palate around what bergamot tastes like. I know it’s in the citrus family, so I’m thinking that the orange-peel flavor in this tea is it. Other than that, this tea tastes pretty green. The color is even a greenish brown! Not what I would have expected in my limited experience…
Flavors: Citrus Zest, Green
Hibiscus…not bad
Slurping fruity, juicy tea
I should try it iced
I’m normally not a fan of hibiscus. I was actually excited to not find it on this ingredient list….until I realized I was skipping over the first ingredient! The tart is there, but it’s juicy in a way that makes it more palatable than normal. I’ve also learned the art of the slurping sip….to aerate the tea. Maybe that’s helping to improve my appreciation. After my mouth stops puckering, the aftertaste seems rather floral. I think this would be a good base tea for mixed drinks. The color is beautiful!
Flavors: Floral, Fruity, Hibiscus, Tart
A dessert wine tea
Shimmering on the surface
Sweeter when less sweet
I feel like this is the tea version of a dessert wine. It is very sweet complimented by a nice peppermint. I am not a huge fan of licorice, but even though I taste it, I think it does a good job of blending the flavors together. I’m a little off-put by the oily sheen on top of the tea, though, and it’s overly sweet for me. The second steeping was more to my taste; less emphasis on the artificial sweet flavor.
Flavors: Licorice, Peppermint, Sweet