Well, this tea certainly smelled good while steeping in the cup. Turned a nice bright red too. It tasted pleasant and tart The orange and cranberry flavors came through, actually tasting pretty genuine. I was pleasantly surprised.

The surprise was because when I say it smelled good, I mean Kool Aid-y good. Real fruity. My inner adult is highly suspicious of fruity teas that might be artificial. Her body is a temple and doesn’t need phoney fruit flavers, so she was rather relieved to find there appeared to be some actual fruit in this blend.

Unfortunately, the kid in me was jumping up and down and shouting that I forgot to put sugar in the Koolaid. So I sweetened it near the end and my inner child was delighted. Now it tasted similar to Koolaid fruit punch, my old favorite. This was nice, but not really what I look for in a tea. I generally prefer teas that have a nice strong flavor that stands on it’s own. Now that I know this stuff is so much better with sugar, I’ll never be satisfied to have it without the addition.

Still, it was a nice change of pace. It‘s probably great for kids, or for anyone with a sweet tooth they’re willing to indulge, but it’s not really my cup of tea. Unless my inner child has the upper hand.

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Your inner child would probably like “Avada Kedavra”. It taste like Berry Jello! :D

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Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Your inner child would probably like “Avada Kedavra”. It taste like Berry Jello! :D

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I write stories, entertain kids with various clown skills and play the harp.

Oh, and I drink tea. Well of course I do. Why else would I be hanging around here?


Rogers, AR

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