I made my first order with Della Terra on black friday and I was very excited that my order showed up at my apartment yesterday. I had a stressful night last night and I couldn’t sleep very well. We started rattie introductions and the first meeting was stressful. Hadley is definitely a little high strung compared to my other furkids. I know a little agression is normal, but I’m a total worrier and intros are just so stressful for me. So naturally I stayed up all night wondering what might happen. How things might turn out. If they would ever be friends.
Tonight we’re going to add a little rescue remedy to the mix to relax everyone a bit. And if that doesn’t work then I’ll schedule her for a spay next friday. I wanted to wait until after the holidays, but maybe a spay will straighten her hormones out. We’ll see…
Eight candles looks so fun. The little candies and gold pieces are so cute! This tea is yummy. Caramel marshmallows? Yes please! I am loving the sweetness. This is a good pick me up. I wish I could be more descriptive, but I’ve barely slept and I couldn’t stay in bed past 3 am. I’m running on empty here. I’ll have to review this again when I’m more clear headed.
On a positive note I got the Christmas cage set up! Of course I have to show off some pictures of my Christmas decorating madness…
http://flic.kr/p/dx8yvx -— The whole cage
http://flic.kr/p/dxe2uJ -— Top half
http://flic.kr/p/dxe2GY -— Bottom half
I wonder what santa will leave in their stockings this year?!
OMG! That’s INTENSELY Awesome! Lucky Rats!
Wow, spectacular! I would want to live in there!
Thank you guys! They are a little bit spoiled…just a little…