I bought a single serving of this to try which was 1.5 grams. I sifted the matcha. It sifted easily, perhaps because of the small amount? The colour before whisking was dark green. Whisking produced a good amount of foam. Flavour was good, but not great, in part due to the reduced amount from one package. I used approximately 120 mL of water. Little remained in the cup after drinking. There was a clean finish. Perhaps two single packets might be used. The powder easily left the package as well. In other words it was easy to use.
Yes, it is, and thicker tea is even less. In general a flat tea spoon and 120 ml max works well for me. I use a bit more water because I like a little more tea to drink. In general, if you get to the point where you don’t have tea left on the sides of the cup then you have found the right amount.
I think the Japanese way is 1.8g per 70mL water
Yes, it is, and thicker tea is even less. In general a flat tea spoon and 120 ml max works well for me. I use a bit more water because I like a little more tea to drink. In general, if you get to the point where you don’t have tea left on the sides of the cup then you have found the right amount.
I use a shot glass by the way, because it’s a convenient measuring tool. It can be dangerous though, because it’s hot water.