I feel like I’ve been sleeping forever! I just keep falling asleep this weekend. I sit down with a book, and next thing you know, I’ve passed out. Does a mild cold really make someone so sleepy? I actually got up at a pretty good time this morning. I took the dogs out, did a bit of laundry, had breakfast, did a bit of garden work.
Then I lay down again for some reason and passed right out again. 4 hours later, I’m awake. I never need to sleep again! I figured I’d better have some tea before I fall asleep again.
This is one I’ve had for a while. Dancongs usually remind me of fall. All cozy and woodsy and crisp. This one is no different. It’s like leaf litter and honey. THere’s a cooling fresh sensation that lingers after the swallow. I may have under brewed this first steep. More to come.
Steep 2:
Yum! I thought I had left this in the water too long, but I think I probably under leafed so it worked out. This steep is delicious. There’s the odd cooling menthol note. How does that get into tea? Sweet lychee and honey. Minimal autumn leaf pile flavor this time. I’m just slurping this down. tasty and comforting. It makes me wish for fall. I’m not ready for summer to be over yet, but autumn is truly one of the loveliest seasons.