drank Alishan by Unknown Vendor
525 tasting notes

I had this yesterday, but I think I used way too little leaf. I’ll have to do better next time before I rate this. I can’t really detect much of interest from these leaves, actually, but I’m hoping to be proved wrong next time I try this. The pouches were no doubt meant to be used all at once. I did discover one useful thing though. I have a bamboo lid that also acts as a stand for my strainer in between steeps. Last week, I had a really spicy chai and the spicy flavor soaked right into the porous bamboo. My second steep of this tea was quite cinnamon-y. At first I was impressed that this oolong could have such a natural cinnamon flavor. But I was suspicious because I did not taste spice of any sort in the first brewing. Then I made the connection. The wet steeper basket had spent a good hour or more soaking up the chai flavor from my bamboo lid. argh! How do I get the spicy flavor out! I need a stainless steel lid. :( On the plus side, cinnamon oolong is tasty!

Thanks for your generous sample Allison!

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I came from a tea drinking family, but I never appreciated the different qualities and varieties of tea until older. All that time wasted! But I guess I needed to be mature enough to appreciate the tea experience. :)

My favorite teas are green oolongs and white tea. I also love greens, especially gyokuro. I have a huge appreciation for rooibos and honeybush as they are often that only thing I can drink in the evening. I am a relatively new convert to black teas. This is unfortunate for my wallet but extremely wonderful for my palate. :)

In any case, I have a love for both flavored and unflavored teas. They are different experiences for sure, but both enjoyable. I find that it often depends on my mood.

I am on a quest to find a tea that will win my husband over. I think I’m making some headway…

My profile pic features my two lovable puppies, Mr. Snuggles and Sr. Caliente.


NYC / Westchester

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