Following 209 Tea Drinkers

Auggy 530 followers

I’m trying to be a better tea logger and actually post semi-regularly again! ...

takgoti 483 followers

Former coffeeist, turned teaite. Lover of writing, reading, photography, and ...

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 385 followers

Hi, my name is Rachana Rachel Carter. I am a long time tea addict, a bit of a...

Butiki Teas 582 followers

My taste for tea started at an early age. As a child, I would frequently enj...

DukeGus 8 followers

Love Taiwanese and Chinese tea. I’m living in Greece, attending university st...

rmark25 26 followers

Pastry Chef in NYC. Vegetarian. love food, travel, blah blah Swap anyone? Sta...

Ninavampi 319 followers

I love tea and have since I was a little girl. Once I could buy my own tea, I...

silvermage2000 146 followers

Hi my name I’s ashley I am a female. I am 33 years old. And I enjoy tea. My b...

Calochortus 43 followers

Calochortus likes plants and knitting and bacteria. She doesn’t have a very l...



I came from a tea drinking family, but I never appreciated the different qualities and varieties of tea until older. All that time wasted! But I guess I needed to be mature enough to appreciate the tea experience. :)

My favorite teas are green oolongs and white tea. I also love greens, especially gyokuro. I have a huge appreciation for rooibos and honeybush as they are often that only thing I can drink in the evening. I am a relatively new convert to black teas. This is unfortunate for my wallet but extremely wonderful for my palate. :)

In any case, I have a love for both flavored and unflavored teas. They are different experiences for sure, but both enjoyable. I find that it often depends on my mood.

I am on a quest to find a tea that will win my husband over. I think I’m making some headway…

My profile pic features my two lovable puppies, Mr. Snuggles and Sr. Caliente.


NYC / Westchester

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