drank Strawberry Green Tea by Kusmi Tea
335 tasting notes

I have a thing for strawberry teas. I am sure I have a bunch of past reviews on teas with this flavoring.

This tea seemed promising for me, green tea + summery berry sweetness. I got this to strictly make iced tea with. The green tea base was just ok. It’s Chinese green, and it’s very mellow. The green tea base with the strawberry flavoring was strange to me. Maybe since I am more used to berries with black tea, that’s why? I will have no problem drinking this down, but I don’t think I would buy again.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I love cooking, sleeping, reading, reggae music, and tea. I also enjoying reading about tea, the culture and ceremonies, and the diverse types.

I think most the teas I drink are 80% iced, but on some days, it’s opposite that, especially days off! I can’t believe it took me this long to try different teas. Better now than never!

Reading the reviews help guide me to the right tea. I have been turned on to so many delightful brews.

I am ALWAYS up for swapping. Just PM me.


Rockford, IL

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