557 Tasting Notes
I’ve been drinking this tea down. It is a good afternoon tea and has replaced my Earl Grey love for now, but I don’t think I would get it again. I gave a cup to my brother and he liked it. I think the verdict on this one is once it is gone, it is gone.
I got this tea today when I was out shopping with mom. I wanted something different and the only chai tea I have ever had was the Oregon Trail mix. I made what they call the “quick version” and added sugar and milk.
It tastes good to me right now. I could have made it a bit stronger. I think it will taste better if I actually heated up water in the kettle instead of in the microwave. And possibly brewed it longer. I have a whole box to try, so I will experiment. Not rating it right now. I’ll figure out how I like it first, then rate.
I am thankful that I stole two teabags of this from my boyfriend because one just isn’t enough for me. It is a really nice bold flavor. The bergamot is a little bit lighter than what I am used to, but I think it makes for a slightly better cup. Mostly because it doesn’t make the tea get bitter at the end.
I took a Chinese Breakfast: Certified Organic Yunnan Black Tea tea bag out of the assorted box that my boyfriend had. I love him to death because he lets me steal his tea.
I wasn’t sure if I had brewed it long enough because it brewed to this lovely golden topaz color instead of the deep brown I have been used to with my black teas. But I had brewed it for four minutes and I did remember that different teas brew up to different colors. This was the first time I had had this tea and it was good.
I drank it hot with nothing added.
It tasted light and fresh. It also tasted sweeter than the English Breakfast tea I have been drinking. I really liked that even though it was a black tea, it didn’t taste heavy like I was expecting it to. It was very, very nice and I really wish I had more.
Time to get back into tea. I find it difficult to keep up a consistent tea habit when I am at school because I don’t trust the kettle at school and I keep forgetting to bring tea bags to meals. But when I’m at home, everything is fair game.
This has been my comfort tea recently. Hot with a drop of milk.
Sorry to hear not one of your absolute favorites….but glad you gave it a try!!! If you’d ever like to sample one of our other flavors, please just give us a call at 1-888-244-3569 to request a sample or two!
Kathy for Bigelow Tea