557 Tasting Notes
I forgot how much I loved and hated this tea. I love it because it tastes really good. I hate it because the end of the cup tastes really bitter and bad. Bad enough for me to drop the rating by a few points, but not much since it is still really good tea. I just found a smoother cup.
Sipdown! Last of the tin.
I made my first mug of this for relaxation. Now I am making it for a study aid. I’m not sensitive enough to caffeine for this to do anything to me this late at night, but just drinking tea helps me do whatever I am doing.
Tea: when sleepy, it helps to soothe you. When studying, it helps to concentrate you.
Not as flavorful as Twinings Earl Grey, but still pretty good. I might have a sipdown on it tomorrow since I only have two bags left. Or I might do a cold brew experiment. We will see.
Our room now has cable. Dad sent the cable cord to me this week, so I get to decide on whether I want to be sociable or stay in on Dr Who nights now.
Took a conscious step to having a vegetarian diet today. Instead of having a chicken patty, I had a garden burger with some spinach and a green pepper. And it was delicious.
I steeped this one for five minutes and I swear it tastes more minty than when I steeped it for ten minutes. Either that or I am not used to having mint tea anymore. It was good nonetheless. I am making friends with the hot water spicket in our cafeteria. Having tea, juice, or milk with a meal is better than having soda with a meal anyway.
Backlogging from Brunch
Our school doesn’t do breakfast and lunch on Saturdays anymore. So, we have to wait until later to actually eat on the weekends. That makes me a little sad. But, this is always an awesome tea to have with a meal. Hot with milk, as usual.
I am also trying to figure out what to use to record a possible once-a-week knitting videocast. I found some things to use on my computer, but I’m not sure if they are the best ones to use or not. This will be an interesting process.
Caitlin and I had tea again. I have been keeping these “zinger” teas down to a five minute steep because I remember not liking them when I tried to drink them when I was a little girl. This one tasted pretty good. It was nice and orangey without being overpowering or sour. It tasted like warm semi-sweet orange juice. It would actually be nice to drink for breakfast if I didn’t want black milk tea.
The only thing that amused me was that the liquor looked about the same as the True Blueberry I had. Dark and slightly red. I think the redness must come from the hibiscus that the two share in their ingredient list. Hibiscus is Caitlin’s favorite tea, so she tries to get blends that has hibiscus as one of the first two ingredients on the blends. Which is good for me, because I have been very curious about hibiscus.