Fair warning: my first cup of this was actually the second steep because I gave the first steep to my dad at his request for a green tea with a bit of sugar to help his sore throat.
When I first smelled the leaves, it smelled like matcha tastes. Full and green and seaweedy. It was fantastic! That would be another smell I wish I could bottle up and wear it around my neck in a perfume locket.
The second steep is just smooth and mild and buttery. It is my first Japanese green and compared to my Chinease greens, it would be much too buttery for my fiance. But it is just so creamy that I love it. Smooth and relaxing and calming.
And to think I saved this from my fiance’s mother who just wouldn’t appreciate it. (or to be fair, he stuck it in my purse as a surprise for me a few months ago) She had a total of three packs and I don’t think she even drank any of them. Oh well, I will appreciate the heck out of this sample packet.