drank Iced Green Tea: Peach by Steaz
557 tasting notes

Backlog #1: All I remember about this was that I was really tired of HonestTea tasting like flat tea with lots of sugar and I was thirsty after work. So, I decided to try the big canned tea by Steaz and I do love peach.

This was surprisingly tasty! It actually tasted like tea with a big punch of peach in the background. Well, it was more like peach with a green tea aftertaste. But, it actually tasted like tea and even though it was sweetened, it did not taste like canned tea.

They have some more flavors so I think I’m going to make a point of trying them all because you do get tired of water all of the time. And sometimes you don’t have the energy (or want) to brew and drink hot tea.

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