I really enjoyed IPA. I just tried a sample of it, but I think I’ll end up with a cake. I definitely see the comparison to its namesake. Pretty intense bitter hit, sort of hoppy in character, but I’m not sure I would characterize it as such if it was named differently. What really brings it closer to IPA territory is the fruity aromatic and finishing notes that it offers. I tasted what could be pineapple, apricot, or nectarine in the finish of this tea. Pleasantly thick body calls to mind the mouthfeel of a high-ABV beer in a way as well.
I’m torn on how this might age. The bitterness could transition into something interesting, but at the same time, the higher fruity notes will probably age out of it in time. To preserve more of the original intent of the tea, I will probably end up drinking it up relatively young. Of course, that could all be empty talk when it ends up on the bottom/back of my pumidor and I forget about it for a decade – who knows.
Flavors: Bitter, Fruity, Hops, Medicinal, Pineapple, Stonefruit