I haven’t had many Yunnan Blacks, but this is my favorite so far. I liked it better than the Golden Monkey I got from YS. I used 3g in a 60mL gaiwan with boiled water.
This was not complex but was pretty tasty. Malty, kind of chocolately notes for the most part. Maybe honey as well. I didn’t get any of the fruity or smoky flavors I got from Golden Monkey – which is nice, because I didn’t find the smoke in that particularly enjoyable. I was prepared for a good bit more bitterness just based on what I have heard about purple tea, but this one had basically none – in fact the taste was pretty delicate. This tea did not last for a great number of steeps, maybe 6 good ones and a few subpar ones. Good tea for the low price, especially combined with the sale that was going on when I bought it.
Flavors: Cocoa, Honey, Malt, Sweet