Yay! Another herbal I enjoy. Thanks Krystaleyn!
I get mostly apple and mint. There is some thing in here that reminds me of the way pine trees smell. I’ve not had raspberry leaf or juniper berries to my knowledge before. I haven’t a clue which one does that, or if they in combination provide that flavour. I’m not rating this one because I’m fed up with manipulating the slider on my nook.
I would assume the juniper berries would account for the pine tree smell. I haven’t tried raspberry leaf alone, but I would think it wouldn’t be terribly flavourful?
Ooo juniper, must try a tea with juniper! I post almost all of my notes from my iPhone and yes the slide bar is frustrating, somehow it is easier of you go back to just the rating page, it lets you know the number you’ve selected.
@Krystaleyn It may very well be the berries. I’ve never had either so I have no way to compare. It’s not a bad taste mind you. I really like the tea. I just think it’s very interesting. The area I grew up in had lots of pine trees, so it’s a good memory association for me.
Thanks for the tip Autumn.
Have you ever had gin? Apparently that is made with(?) juniper berries? Or something along those lines? Feel free to correct me, anyone.
I would assume the juniper berries would account for the pine tree smell. I haven’t tried raspberry leaf alone, but I would think it wouldn’t be terribly flavourful?
Ooo juniper, must try a tea with juniper! I post almost all of my notes from my iPhone and yes the slide bar is frustrating, somehow it is easier of you go back to just the rating page, it lets you know the number you’ve selected.
@Krystaleyn It may very well be the berries. I’ve never had either so I have no way to compare. It’s not a bad taste mind you. I really like the tea. I just think it’s very interesting. The area I grew up in had lots of pine trees, so it’s a good memory association for me.
Thanks for the tip Autumn.
I’ve had raspberry leaf on its own, and it’s assuredly not that. :P It’s pretty bland by itself.
One down now I need to taste juniper berries solo. Thanks :D
Have you ever had gin? Apparently that is made with(?) juniper berries? Or something along those lines? Feel free to correct me, anyone.
Once a very long time ago. I was 18 I think, but I was also already drunk when I tasted it. I have no clue what it tastes like really lol.