I’m brewing by the mug rather than the pot this morning, so I’m logging teas faster than normal. This is a sample from Life in a Teacup, and it’s a pretty darn big sample, too! There’s at least enough for 2-4 cups! The dry leaf looks just like the picture, and smells like honey.
Brewed 1 tsp in 8 oz of water for 2.5 minutes. Seems like that’s a long brew (most of the other people who’ve drank it only brewed for 1 minute), but I do like my teas strong.
This is some good stuff. Seriously. I’m getting a honey taste, and a baked taste. Almost like a warm rye bagel with honey smeared on it. It’s definitely more like an oolong than a traditional black tea, but seems heartier than many oolongs that I’ve had. It tastes golden, if that makes any sense. Wow, this is yummy.
Thanks, Ginkgo, for offering these samples!! I can’t wait to try the rest of them, and I’m definitely going to be getting more of this one!!