I purchased a box of tea bags as a treat on Cyber Monday. Before I got it, I wasn’t sure if I will like it from the flavors descriptions: orange, vanilla, orange zest, and Christmas spices. I don’t mind hints of clove, but don’t like it when it gets overpowering. I remained skeptical up to the moment I pulled pulled the cellophane from the box and gave it a whiff.

First impressions include warm aromas, doesn’t come across as too spicy. The first steep delivered milder flavors than I expected. The orange comes through, along with the spices. The vanilla doesn’t stand out, but it’s there in the background, marrying the orange and spice. I found the flavors to better developed in the second steeping.

Overall, I think I enjoy this tea. Sipping it while working, the warm aromas becomes a pleasant distraction. One thing I found though was the slight tannic feel in the mouth (almost unnoticeable), but only because I leave my teabag in the cup all the way.

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