Can something smell creamy? if you smell this, there’s something past the mint. It is a not a dairy smell, its almost a sweet smell. Maybe it’s from the teaspoon of turbinado. Yeah, I tossed my no sugar rule out the window for this because how on earth can you drink peppermint patty without sugar (and probably cream except I don’t like the taste of dairy so I’ll have to do without the creaminess).
Sweetened, this tea is amazing. Not wintry peppermint, but sweet warm peppermint. And really, I just want to hold the liquor in my mouth for a long time so the taste buds go “yeah, yeah!” You ever get like that, where you know that if you actually drink it, you’ll just have to take another sip and another, whereas if you just take a sip and hold it you prolong the sensation until it becomes unbearable and you just have to swallow that tea. Although now you can’t taste anymore because it is on its way to your stomach and so you take another sip. And then you make another pot, and then you go online and buy 4 oz or more… you get where this is headed?
I don’t even know what else to actually tell you. There is a lot of chocolate inside and the dry leaf smells more chocolate than mint to me, but once steeped it doesn’t smell much like chocolate and it doesn’t taste like chocolate, it tastes like sweet, sweet, delicious mint.
If you made up your mind you don’t like mint, just prove yourself wrong and buy some of this. It’s available in 1/2 oz so you won’t go broke. And I’m sure you’ll always find willing souls if somehow you do not like it. Heck, I’ll buy it off you as long as you don’t tamper with it too much.
I often hold tea, and other drinks, in my mouth for minutes at a time. I have been doing to since I was a child. I often swish it around too. I never knew why I did this, but I think you explained it well about the sensation it gives you.
I often hold tea, and other drinks, in my mouth for minutes at a time. I have been doing to since I was a child. I often swish it around too. I never knew why I did this, but I think you explained it well about the sensation it gives you.
silly ipad ate my comment – long story short, really enjoying you come to love stacy’s teas heh
Omg, Sil, I will go broke :)
probably :) that why you find cheaper, every day teas and hers become when you wanna treat teas :)