Delicately spiced my arse. This tastes like apple cider to me, probably because of all the cinnamon. And wow, is it ever taaaart!!
I really really wanted to like this one. You feel guilty not liking it, what with all the propaganda about helping Haiti and stuff. Who would write bad reviews on this tea? So I won’t. I’ll just say that I can see the coconut but I can’t taste it. As for banana… Where??
Good thing I seem to be in minority.
Dexter3657 darling, you were right. You and I will make the best tea swapping partners, our tastes our almost polar opposites. Hahaha. It’s unbelievable.
Oh and a by the way, my partner seems to like this tea also so I really am the lone wo/man out!
Shrug, I don’t know what to say…… I LOVE it. There is no apples in it…. We can agree on tart, it’s very tart, but I like that. We will have to agree to disagree on this one – LOL and others. That’s what makes this so interesting, is how different everyone perceives the same tea.