I’m at work so this will be a brief one to start.
I am such a pleb. I like bold flavours. I don’t want “a hint of”. If you have a hint of whatever, you might as well not bother.
In the bag this smells so good I want to shove it in my mouth and eat it (what a barbarian, eh?). I might have under leafed, black teas scare me a little. So I’m getting some strawberry and almost no chocolate. I think the aftertaste is really goo though, get more chocolate here. I dumped in a bunch of sugar.
I’ll have to add more leaf next cup. It’s good but the aroma is way stronger than the flavour.
Can’t rate yet.
Ps. Thanks, Dexter3657 for sending this.
P.P.S: I get a feeling a lot of my notes will say thanks Dexter. Sorry if you’re bothered by it! I give credit where it’s due.
no way! i always try my best to thank folks for their samples :) If i have enough for multiple cups i sometimes only hit them on the first and last one but yeah