I am finishing off the last that I have on hand of this blend, and I didn’t quite have enough for the pot so I added just a few leaves of Lapsang Souchong, and that is something I’ve wanted to try for a while now, as my own experiment. I know that Man Teas also has their smoky bacon blend, but, that one scares me just a little because I’m not a huge Lapsang Souchong fan … although I’m finding that I’m acquiring a taste for it, little by little.
OK… THIS IS AWESOME. Frank, if you’re reading, and you probably are … Here’s what you need to do, take the original maple bacon, add a bit more maple flavor to it (as I added a little bit of maple syrup to the cup), and just a little bit of lapsang souchong to the blend. Kind of the way you did my LiberTeas Tomato, Basil and Black Pepper blend. Oh… that reminds me, I meant to try the bacon with the tomato basil and black pepper blend… to see how a PBBT would taste (peppered bacon, basil and tomato).
I may have to break down and order another pouch of the maple bacon tea.
This just sounds so weird
I agree… Weird… Being a vegetarian it scares me a little (I never liked meat…). But maybe one day I might have to try it… Is this vegetarian?
It’s vegan.